Testimonial by John L. C. Roome
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I hereby Certify, that I have known many Years past, well acquainted with Mr. Joseph Orchard late of the City of New York Baker. That from the Commencement of the Rebellion in America, an that every stage of the succeeding War, he conducted himself as a faithful Subject to His Majesty, formily, steadily, and unalterably attached to his person and the British Government, and opposed to the Measures of the American Congress and their Allies - That he for the several of his Majesty's Troops, Mr. Orchard frequently conveyed Intelligence and Provisions to Lieut General Tryon, then on Board the hip Dutchess of Gordon, which services were performed with great difficulty and risque - That when Lieut General Pattison was Commandant of New York, and the persons employed in the Commissary Generals' department were embodied under the distinguished Application of “the Loyal Commissariat Volunteers” - Mr. Orchard was appointed Adjutant of that Corps, and that by his unremitting Assiduity and attention, that Corps was well disciplined and enabled to perform the several Duties required of them; and to the best of my knowledge and belief, he never received any pay, as Adjutant but acted as a Volunteer - and Further Certify that in my Official Capacity, and as a private Citizen, I had many Opportunities of Observing Mr. Orchards Conduct, which at all times discoursed an unabating Zeal on the Royal Course & a desire to assist His Majesty's Troops in Suppressing the Rebellion, and restoring His Majesty's Government in America
London 1st October 1787
John L. Roome Secretary to
Majr Genl Val Jones,
Lieut Genl D Jones &
Lieut Genl Pattison, while Commandant of New York