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Georgian Wills Other Documents
Sir Richard Wyndebancke - 1558 Margarett Wyndebanck - 1558 Thomas Windebanck - 1599
Sir Thomas Windebank - 1608 Robert Windebank - 1651
Mary Wynderbanke - 1685 Margaret Turner - 1692
John Windebank, Doctor in Physic of Saint Martin in the Fields - 1704
Will of Sir Richard Wyndebancke, of Calais, France . Proved 19 August 1558
- Transcription by TLM
BackIn the name of god amen the eight day of Auguste a thousande
five hundred fiftie ehght I Sir Richard Wyndebancke Kniyght late Ingalismye in the
Town of Calays beinye of perfect mynde and memory but weke in [sicke] [?and?] body make and
ordeyn this my will and Testament in manner and forme follow Nye firste and principally
I give and bequeathe my soule into the handes of Almightie god my maker and into the handes
of Jesus Christe my onely redeamer, and my body to be buryed in suche place as it shall pleas
god to ordeyne for it and my funeralle to be donne in [?horest? ?wise?] And [?] concern nye all my
[worfelye [worthy - TLM]] moveable goodes my will and mynde is that they shall holie distende and come to Dame
Margaret my wife whome I ordeyn and make my sole and onely Executrixe of this my will
and Testament In witnes whereof I have caused this my will to be written and sealed
it with my Ceale the daie and yere before saied Richard Wyndebancke
[Note in margin: died at Poplar]
….London….Will of Margarett Wyndebanck, widow. Proved 13 December 1558
- Transcription by TLM
BackIn the name of god amen In the yere of oure Lorde a thousande & fiftie [8]th the [?]th of
Octobre I Margaret Wyndebancke widowe late the wife of Sir Richard Windebanke Knight, being hole
of mynde and perfecte memorie doo make this my last will and testament in maner and formme following
first I bequeath my Soule into the hands of allmyghtie god, and son to Jhesus Christ my onely redemer and my
bodie to be burried where it shall please god to call me I bequeath to my sister for a Remembrance my [?hetlle?]
ringe [?] a saffire [?] ring it [?] in the myddel And to my cossin honor Cotton my [?] Damaske
Kirtell [?] my best hoode with the [?pper] [Billement?] and [??der] to the same Also I give to Margarett Cotton
my [?sablelet] beinge [?] [?], Also I give to my ladie grey for a Remembrance my hoope of golde. To
mistres Deny my [?litle?] ring [?] a rubie. To my ladie Chester my best [?sass-rt?] And as for the rest of all my
goodes moveables and [?]oneables I will that they distend and come hollie in to the handes of my sonne
Thomas Windebank whom I make my only and sole [executor] In witness whereof I have subscribed my
name with my proper hande the yere and dait above named witnesse Thomas [K]endall Margarett
[Note in margin: could be "City of London".]
Probatum [Latin….Latin….] Thome Windebanck [… Latin…. Latin]
Burial of Margarett Wyndebanck
- From: The Diary of Henry Machyn
The (blank [c12th -TLM]) day of Desember was bered in sant Edmonds in Lumbarstret my lade Wynddebanke, late of Cales [Calais], with ij dosen of skochyons of armes.
Will of Thomas Windebanck. Proved 11 August 1599
[In the form of a letter to his brother Aaron]
- Transcription by TLM
BackTestamentu Thome Windebanck
By your letters I perceave
howe ithath pleased god to take my good [Arnte], I wishe I could have confyrmed here by
anie possible [mdepr - media? TLM] for I found her exceeding kinde // It seemeth unto me by yor
letters that she hath remembered me, but I knowe not in what, I pray rectefye
the particulars by yor Next letters // I received a letter from my Captaine whome
I am gladd youv mett w[i]thall since his goinge into England, giving me libertie to come
for England to take possession of some thinge youv acquainted him withall // But if it
did concerne me One thowsande poundes [thick - think TLM] I would craiyv pardon of my selfe
till after the Leguer, in the meane tyme, yf yt please god, I dye, (as I am nowe very
often in hazarde[ )] I geve the same, and all that I have to yor Sonne my nephew John
Windebanke to be putt out for his best beharfe till he shall accomplishe the age of
Twenty One yeares // And will yor self and my brother Phineas to be Execsters of
suche my devyse I doubt not but this my letter shall be sufficient in Law to carrie a
greater matter // From the Leguer at Bumble this same tenth of Maie 1599. Yor
very assured lovinge brother Tho.Windebancke
[Latin] ...
... Aaron Windebancke ...
... Thome Windebancke ...
... [ a minor] Johannis Windebancke ...
Note: Leguer = Leaguer - a military camp, especially of a besieging army.
BackWill of Sir Thomas Windebank  one of the Clerkes of His Majesty's Signet of Saint Martin in the Fields, Middlesex .
Proved 26 January 1607/08
- Transcription by TLM
In the name of God Amen
the three and twenty daye of Aprill one thowsande sixe hundred and five in the fourth
yere of the Reigne of oure Soveraigne Lorde James by the grace of god kinge of
greate Britaine France and Irland defender of the faithe I Thomas Windebank
Knighte one of the clarkes of his Ma[je]sties Signett beying of whole and perfecte
memorye wherof in all humblenes I thank my Lorde god I do make this my last will
and Testament in manner and forme folowing First I comitte and commend my selfe
bothe bodye and Soule into the handes and mercey of my heavenly father and creato[r]
of my Redeemer and Savyoure Jesus Christ and of my comforter the holie ghost
beyng three persons and one eternal living god withe forme and constante
faith and beleife to obtayne full remission of all my synnes and everlasting life by
the merittes only of my redemer and savyoure Jesus [?] [?] all and any
other meanes whatsoever of mens traditions and Inventions as [to*hing] that
poynte of remission of my sinnes and of my salvation. And as concerning my worldly
wealthe and substance I do hereby dispose of the same in manner and forme folowing. First
I give and bequeath to the [pastor] of the parishe of Saint Martins in the feildes, neare to
Charingcrosse the somme of five poundes thirteen shillings and fower pence to be distributed
amongst them at the discretion of my executor the one [moytie?] therof ymeadiatly after my
buryall and the other within five monethes next after folowinge Item I give and bequeth
to the [pastor] of the parishe of Hurste in the Counties of wiltes [Wiltshire] and Barks [Berkshire] the somme
of three poundes five shillinges and eighte pence, to be distributed amongst them at the
Discretion of my executors withyn five monethes next folowinge after my decease. Item
I give to Thomas Cordill fyve poundes. To Edith my [?she?] servannte fyve poundes. Item
I give and bequeath to my daughter Margaret Windebanke eighte hundred poundes of
lawfullmoney of England. Of which somme I will the one halfe to be payed unto her
within five monethes next folowing after my decease.And the other [moytie?] [?] [?]
hundred pounds next after the first sixe monethes. Item I give and bequeathe to my
Servannt John Lightwood tenne poundes to be payed unto hym at theende of five
monethes next after my ecease. Item I give and bequeathe to my Servabbte Frances
Burtland nowe wife to the saied John Lightwood tenne poundes to be paied unto her
within fyve monethes next after my decease. Item I give and bequeath to my servannt
Sara [Grout] fyve poundes. To Robert Giles fortie shillinges. To Thomas Gyles
fortie Shillinges. To Richard Barnarde fortie shillinges. To Henry Rolf three
poundes five shillinges eighte pence. To Anne Lord my servannt I give fyve pounds
The saied severall legacieys to be payed by my executors to every of my saied servannts
within five monethes next [ensuing] my decease. And where I have perchased of one
Francis Barnard gentleman two howses in the parishe of Saint Martyn in
the feides of which two howses the one was late in the [tenire] of one Mistres
Fenner nowe in the occupacon of one Orrell a Taylor for certayne yeres yet [?]
I give that house to my daughter Anne Reade and to the heires of her bodye lawfully
begotten. And the other house wherein one Emery a taylor late deceased dwelt and nowe
one [Hewine] a Scottihman shomaker to the [?] [?] [?] doth dwell I give to my
Daughter Mildred Reade and to the heires of her bodye lawfully begotten. And for
defaulte of suche yssue of my saied two daughters then the same two howses with
theire [?], to come to my righte heires for ever. Item I give and bequeath
page 2
the Lease and terme of yeres which I have as yet remayning in my dwelling [crease - houses in the?]
parish of Saint Martins in the feildes with all the furniture and [crease - household stuff ?]
therin to my sonne Franncys Windebanke and to his heires and to his heires and assignes . [crease - Item I give ?]
and bequeathe to my sayed Daughter Margaret my chaine of gold and my [crease - T ??]
rynge. And where I have purchased of Oliver Coxed and of Judith his [crease - ?]
certeyne house called Haynes Hall in the parishe of Hurst with certeyne [crease - Land ?]
therunto belonging and lying in the counties of wiltes and Berks: In [crease - which ??]
I have [?] with me my sonne Henry Reade and my old good servannte [crease - and ?]
Henry Greene of meere truste I give and bequeathe the same [crease - howse ? and ?]
landes so purchsed as above is sayed with certeyne other parcells of land [crease - ?]
Gades [groue - grave?] ad[j]oyning to the same wherof I boughte the fee [?] in [crease - R?? on ?]
of Mt Thomas Kerrey one of the clerkes of the privie seale to my saied [creasde - sonne Francis ?]
Windebanke and to the heires males of his bodye lawfullie begotten [crease - ? ?] want
of suche yssue to the heires males of my daughter Anne Reade And [crease - for? ?] of
suche yssue to the heires males of my daughter Mildred Red And [crease - ? ?] of
suche yssue to the heires males of my Daughter Margaret Windebank [crease - ? ?] the
same to be lawfully begotten. And for defaulte of suche yssue to my [crease - ? ?] heires
for ever. And where I hould a Lease in [Reue*tion] for fortie yeres [crease - of? ?] cite
of the mannor of Clare neere windsor in the countie of Birks, and [crease - ? Dorchett?]
Ferrey likewise neere windesor given me by [? our ?] late most gracious [crease - Sovereign ?]
Quene Elizabeth out of her most princely bountye. I give and [crease - bequeath ?] the
whole state of yeres which I have in the Scite of the sayed [crease - mannor of ?] Clare
and Dorchett [? Datchet - TLM ] ferrye to my saied sonne Franncys Windebank and [crased - his hiers and ?] assignes
Item where I purchased lately from one Mathewe two howses situa[ted crease ? ?] parish
of Saint Martines in the feildes. In the one of which howses one [crease ? ?] Jonas
dwelleth and in the other dwelleth one Mr Stowe I give and [crease bequeath] the
first of those two houses to my sonne Franncys Windebank and [crease his] heires for
ever : And the other howse to my saied Daughter Margarett [crease Windebank] and to
her heires for ever. And where I have lately purchases of [crease ? ?] Sandes
Knighte the [mannor ?] Lordshippe and Farme of Hynton [crease P - Hinton Pipard ] in the
Counties of Berkesh and wiltesh; I give and bequeathe the [crease saied mannor ?] of
Hiton Pepp**s and the Farme of Stanlakes [?] to my sayed [crease sonne ?] Franncys
Windebank, and to the heires males of his bodye lawfully [crease begotten ?] And for
wante of suche yssue to the heires males of my daughter [crease Mildred Reade] And
for want of suche yssue to the heires males of my daughter [crease Margaret] Windebank
And for wante of suche yssue to my Right heires for ever [crease I give and ?] bequeath
to my olde servannte and freinde Henry Greene Fiftie [crease poundes ? ?] and lawfull
money of England to be payed unto hym within one yere [crease next after ?] my decease
The rest of all my goodes and chattells ( the charges of [crease my funeralls ?] in decent
manner defrayed and performed and my debtes and [crease legacies ? ? ] payed and
Discharged ) I give and bequeathe to my sayed sonne [crease Franncys Windebanke]
whome and my saied old servannte and freind Henry [crease Greene I ?] do name ordeyne
constitute and appoynte to be myne executors of this my [crease last ?] will and testamt
And my sonne in lawe Hanry Reade to be Overseer of [crease ? ?] which I have
signed and sealed with my owne hande and seale the [crease th** ?] twenteth daye
of Aprill one thousand sixe hundred and five in the [crease forth yere] of the raigne
page 3
of [? our ?] soveraigne Lorde James by the grace of god Kinge of greate Brittaine France and
Ireland By me Thomas Windebanke witnesses herein to Henry Rolfe Thomas Cordall
Probatum [Latin]
BackWill of Robert Windibancke, of Pontefract, Yorkshire. Proved 11 February 1651
- Transcription by TLM
BackIn the name of God Amen The Tenth
day of January in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred
forty and nine I Robert Windibancke of Pontifract in Diocese of Yorke
beinge sicke of body but of good and perfect mind iy praize bee God doe
make and ordaine this my last will [and testament - marked in the margin] manner followinge first of all I
bequeath my soule into the hands of God Almighty whoe grant it [?]
trusting through the merritte of his sonne Christ my Lord and Rede=
=mer to have a place in heaven amongst the elect people of God And my
body I comitte to the Earth to bee buried according to the disiction of my
Executrixes hereafter named. And concerning my worldly items as follow=
=eth [?] Item I give and bequeath unto Dorothie Armitage of the heath and
this said county widdowe my lovinge friend My dwelling house
wherein I now dwell in Rooper gate Pontefract as aforesaid withal build=
=ings their upon builded and to the same belonginge or otherwise appteyne=
=inge To have and to hold the foresaid house and premises together with
these and every axprenances unto the said Dorothy Armitage her heires
and assignes
[page 2]
and assignes for ever Item I ive and bequeath unto the said Dorothie
Armitage all that my chambers and shopp situated in the barley market in Pontefract as afore
said withal and singulor there and every of there appendances to the same belonging or other
wise appteyneinge To have and to hold the said chamber and shopp with the appendances
there unto belonginge unto her the said Dorothie Armitage her heires and assignes for ever
To the intent and purpose and to noe other intent and purpose that shee the said Dorothie
Armitage her heires or assignes and execit of them Doe and shall mak sale and sell both the
house in Rooper gate and premises there to belonginge and the chamber and shopp in the
Barley market and premises there to belonginge for the payment of my debts Pendinge
the [?] if any bee to my Executrixes here after named as aforesaid named I give and
bequeath unto Peter Windebancke my natuarall sonne one stand bed havinge his
name on it now. Item I give and bequeath to Merrie Windebancke my daughter two
acres and a halfe of meadow grounde lyeing in [?Be**et?] Ings within the Territories of
Pontefract aforesaid and this said County the land of Robert Moore gent onn the west
And the land of Nicholas Stables east To have and to hold the aforesaid two acres and a
halfe of meadow grounde to her the said Merry Windebancke my daughter her heires and
assigned forever The rest of my goods cattles and chattels my debts and funerall expence
[-si-rged] I give and bequeath unto Isabell Windebancke my loveinge wife, and Merry
Windebancke my said Daughter whome I make Executrixes of this my last will and testant
And in witnesse wherof I have hereunto sett y hande and seale the day and yeare first
above written In the presence of us Thomas Sedgere, John Bull
Probatum ... [Latin] ...
... Merrie Windebancke ...
Will of Mary Wynderbanke, Spinster of Saint Martin in the Fields, Middlesex.
[ daughter of Dr. John Windebank and Susanna nee Holloway].
Proved 27 January 1685
- Transcription by TLM
In the name of God Amen
I Mary Wynderbanke of the Parish of St Martin in the Fields in
the County of Middx Spinster being sick and weake in body but in
perfect mind and memory praised be Allmighty God for the same
Doe make and declare these present to be my last Will and Testament
[page 2]
in manner and forme following that is to say first and principally I commit
my soule into the hands of Allmighty God my Creator hopeing and assuredly
believing through the merits and [?mediacoid?] of Jesus Christ my only Saviour
and Redeemer to receive full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my
sinns and life everlasting My body I committ to the Earth to be decently
buryed at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named And as touching
that part of this Worlds Goods which God in much mercy hath blessed
me withal my debts and funerall charges being thereout first paid and
deducted I give and bequeath as followed that is to say First I give and
bequeath to my Maid servant Mary Fletcher the sume of fifty shillings.
The rest and residue of all and singular my Estate both reall and personall
(after my Debts and funerall charges are thereout first paid and deducted) I give
and bequeath to my dearly beloved Sister Susanna Wndebanke of
aforesaid Parish and County Spinster whom I ordaine constitute and appoint
full sole and lawfull Executrix of this my last Will and Testament And I doe
hereby revoke and make void all former and other Wills Legacies and bequests
by me formerly made or given And doe pronounce and declare these Presents
to be my last Will and Testament and noe other nor otherwise In witnesse
whereof I the said Mary Wynderbanke have hereunto sett my hand and
seale the fourteenth day of May Anno Dui One thousand six hundred eighty foure
and in the six and thirtyeth yeare of the reigne of our sovereigne Lord Charles
the second by the grace of God King of England [?] Mary Winterback
Read signed sealed published declared and delivered by the said Mary
Winderbanke in the presence of us Mary Dymoke, Elizab. Ogle, Wm. Baker
Probatum... ...London... ...
Will of Margaret Turner, widow [daughter of Sir Francis Windebank 1582-1646].
Proved 3 August 1692
- Transcription by TLM
In the name of God Amen
I Margaret Turner Widow being in good health of body and mind
I thank God for it doe make constitute and appoint this my last
Will and Testament in manner following In the first place I comitt
my Soul into the hands of God my heavenly Father in sure and
stedfast hope of a joyfull Resurrection to that Mansion of Bliss
page 2
which my blessed Saviour and Redeemer has with his precious
Blood purchast for me not for any merits of my own but by his
great Mercy to [?myself?] I should be most miserable I have lived
in the Christian Faith a member of the Church of England in which
I was baptized And by Gods grace I reslove so to die To the poor
of Canterbury I give Five pounds To the poor of the parish of
Hurst the place where I was born and received the blessed badge
of Christianity I give Five pounds To the Church of St Pauls I
have given already one hundred pounds Therefore I doe no more
now.. To my deare Sonn Doctor Thomas Turner I give Three
hundred pounds To my Grand daughter Margaret Turner daughter
to my Sonn the Bishop of Ely I give Two hundred pounds To my
three Grandchildren Henry Thomas and Francis the Sonns of my
deare Sonn Dr William Turner I give Three hundred pounds That
is One hundred to each of them And my will is That these Legacies
to the childrn Margaret Henry Thomas and Francis be improved
for them by my Executor as well as he can till they come respectively
to the age of One and Twenty years and they together with the
improvement that is made to be paid to them Or if it be for their
advantage of the children that these Legacies or any part of them
be layd out or paid in Sooner for their use let it be so if my Executor
think fitt And farther as to the three boys my will is That if either
of the two yonger die before he comes to the age of one and
Twenty years the survivor of these two shall have the share of the
deceased or the remainder of his share if any of it have bin expended
before And if the eldest dye before that age Then I intend that the
youngest shall have his share or the remainder of it And if after
all the care of my Executor there happen to be any loss or miscarriage
in the mony belonging to the children or any part of it my will
is that my Executor be not so ill rewarded as to be accountable
for it or a looser by it To my daughter in Law Mrs Mary Turner
I give ten pieces of Gold which I have put up into a paper and
directed them for her with my own hand And I doe give to
her and her three children cloth for mourning And to my two
Brothers Mr Christopher and Dr John Windabank I give
Ten pounds apiece to buy mourning if they please To my good
freind Mrs Ann Griggs I give Ten Angels of Gold which I have
put up into paper and directed to her also with my own hand
And I doe also give to her cloth for mourning To my God daughter
Margaret Windebank the daughter of Sir Francis Windebank I
give Ten pounds to be laid out for her in a peice of plate I give
to my Grand daughter Margaret my Locket that is set with small
Diamonds about a red stone and my white bedd wrought and
shaded with greens and my best Bible with cutts in it and all
my wearing Linen with the Chest of Drawers wherein it is And I
give her of the plate of my Chamber my biggest silver pott and
cover also a lesser silver pott and cover a little salver two
silver Candlesticks snuffer and snuff dish a hand Candlestick
a silver porringer and spoon in use in my Chamber To my Sonn Dr
Thomas Turner I give my Gold watch and the gold chain to it
my Diamond Bracelet with Amethist stones (his other two
Brothers have their shares already of those kinde favours from
page 3
their good Father to me) And I give to him likewise my share
of his Fathers plate of which he has the greatest part already
give also to my Son Dr Thomas Turner I and my Grand daughter
Margaret Turner the Linen that is in the great Trunk barrd
wooden barrs at Dr Sayvells to be equally divided betwixt them
two There are severall other small parcells of Gold written upon
besides the two parcells above mentioned All the rest aswell as
those mentioned I desire my Executor will see delivered as I have
directed them with my own hand or cause them to be so delivered
give to my two servants if they live with me till my death To Philip
Westmooe Five pounds and to Jane Cooly Tenn pounds And I give
to Mrs Cliff Tenn pounds I doe appoint and constitute my
deare Sonn Dr Thomas Turner the Executor of this my last Will and
Testament and I desire and charge him to performe it faithfully
according to my true intent and meaning In the testimony and
confirmation of all which I doe hereunto sett my hand and Seal
this Twentieth day of February in the year of our Lord 1690
Margaret Turner Signed sealed and declared to be the last Will
and Testament of the within named Margaret Turner in the presence
of Henry Smith John Sons Edward King
[Latin]Will of John Windebank, Doctor in Physic of Saint Martin in the Fields, Middlesex
Proved 15 August 1704
- Transcription by TLM
BackIn the Name of God the
Father God the Son and God the holy Ghost one holy and undevided
Trinity God blessed for evermore Amen I John Windebank of the
parish of St Martins in the Fields in the the County of Middx Doctor in
Physics being well in health and of good and perfect mind and
memory (blessed be God) considering my great age of Eighty and six
years now currant together with common [accidents] and
uncertainties of this life do make and ordeine this my last Will and
Testament in writing and manner following And in the first place
as to my batter and nobler [?pasing/parting?] soul I most humbly comand it
to God who gave it hoping and praying for the remission of my
sins (tho many and grievous) thro the all sufficient and meritorious
death and passion of my lord and only Saviour Jesus Christ and
that I may thro faith in the blood obteine everlasting life in the
world to come and for my body I comitt it to the Earth from whence
it came to be decently but privately buryed at the discrecion of my
Executrix hereafter named desiring that it may be in the Cloysters
belonging to the Abby church of St Peter in Westms where my
wife lyes buried and for the Estate wherewith it hath pleased God
to bless me I dispose thereof as followed and I hereby give to my
grandchildren Susanna Mary Sherlot John and Charles Winde=
=bank the sume of one hundred pounds apiece (they being the
sons and daughters of my son Richard Windebank as legacies to
be paid to them severally at their respective ages of one and twenty
years or days of marriage or times when they shall be respectively
bound apprentices or placed out in any trade or profession which
shall first happen But my Will is in case any of my said grand=
=children shall dye before their legacies shall be due and payable
that the legacy and legacys of each and every of them so dying shall
goe and be paid unto and amongst the survivors and survivor of
my said grandchildren share and share alike at such respective
time and times as their legacys shall become due and my further
Will is that my Excutrix doe as soon as may be after my decease
with the approbat[i]on of my said Sons now wife putt out my said
grandchildrens legacys at interest and the interest thereof from
time to time pay to my said Sons now wife which my said
Son shall have nothing to do to and for the use of my said grand
=children and the Survivors and Survivor of them share and share
alike till the principall shall become payable as aforesaid I
will that in case any moneye soe put out with such approbat[i]on as
aforesaid happen to be lost that my Executrix shall not be liable
to answer for or make good the same And I will alsoe that upon
payment of any of my said grandchildrens legacys the acquittance
of any of them respectively acknowleging the receipt thereof shall
a sufficient discharge to my Executrix for the same the such grand
=child be a minor at the time of makeing thereof Item I give to and
amongst Tenn such poor aged persons as my Executrix shall
think fitt inhabiting in the said parish of St Martins in the Feilds
aforesaid the some of Tenn Shillings apeece to be paid within
one month next after my decease Item I desire that my worthy
good friend Mr Peter Hume of the Ward Robe of White hall
page 2
Will [take] upon him the trouble of being overseer of this my last Will and
Testament by adviseing and assisting my Executrix in the due [execution] of
it and for his care and kindness herein I give and bequeath to him a
small legacy of a diamond ring of the value of Five pounds to be [phented??]
to him by my Executrix within one month after my decease Lastly I doe
give and bequeath all the rest of my goods and chattells whatsoever to
my good and dear daughter Frances Loveday Widow whom I make and
appoint sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament In Testimony
whereof I have here unto putt my hand and seale the seventeenth day
of February in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred
and three John Windebank sign'd seal'd published deliver'd and
declared by the above named John Windebank for and as his last
Will and Testament in the presence of us Ri Coulston Mary Kendall
J. Brooks:
Probatum [Latin]
Sir Francis Windebank - 1719
Elizabeth Wyndebank - 1730 Charles Windebank - 1732
Will of Sir Francis Windebank, of Saint Andrew Holborn, Middlesex
Proved 8 October 1719
- Transcription by TLM
BackIn the Name of God Amen
I Sr Francis Windebank of the parish of St Andrews Holborne
in the County of Middlesex Baronet do make this my last Will
and Testament in manner and forme following that is to say I give
all my Estate of what nature kind or Quality soever to my dear
and loving Wife Dame Elizabeth Windebank whome I constitute
and appoint Sole Executrix hereof it being All my own hand
writing In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal
the third day of February in the year of our Lord according to the
Computation of the Church of England One Thousand Seven
hundred and Fifteen | F: Windebank | Signed Sealed and
declared to be the last Will and Testament of the above named
Sr Francis Windebank the Testator in the presence of us whose
names are hereunto Subscribed and who Subscribed our names hereto
in the presence of the said Testator Susanna Walblate John
Stanley Mrgrat Baxter
Probatum [Latin]
Will of Elizabeth Wyndebank, Widow of St Andrew Holborn. Proved 3 Apr 1730
- Transcription by TLM
BackIn the Name of God Amen I
Elizabeth Wyndebank widow and Relict of Sr Francis Wyndebank
late of the parish of St Andrew Holborn in the County of Middlesex
Baronet deceased do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and
form following [Imprimis] I will that all my just Debts and funeral Expences
be paid and discharged Item I give to my Grandaughter Hannah
Mansfield six hundred pounds and one other hundred pounds owing to
me on bond from Lawrence Squib Gent but it is my Will that the said
Seven hundred pounds shall be put out to Interest to the best advantage
by my Executors and the same and the Interest thereof paid in manner
after mentioned and not otherwise Item I give to Thomas Burslem
of Nw Castle under Lyne in the County of Stafford Esquire and to my
Daughter Margaret his wife and to my Executors herein after named
page 2
and to each and every of them ten pounds apiece to buy them
mourning Item I give to my Executors all my right Title Term and
Interest of in and to one Messuage with the appurtenances Scituate
in Eagle Street in the parish of St Andrews Holborne in the said
County of Middlesex and now in the possession of or holding of William
Bagley Gent and also all my annuitys issuing and payable out of
his Majestys Exchequer and all other money whether in Stock or
Funds or lent out on any security publick or private and all my
Jeweld plate Rings household stuff and all other my personal Estate
whatsoever to be by them managed and improved to the best
advantage and paid and disposed as after directed except such pictures
Linnen and other my houshold Goods as my said Daughter Margart
shall choose and which I do hereby give unto her and it is my Will that
no money shall be called in or placed out but by her Consent in writing
and that for five years to be computed from the date hereof there
shall only be paid to the said Hannah Mansfield twenty five pounds
per annum and that at the end of the said five years the Interest and
profit of the said Seven hundred pounds and the rest of my personal
Estate during that term shall be equally divided between my said
Daughter Margaret and the said Hannah Mansfield and paid in
manner after directed and not otherwise that is to say as to my said
Grandaughter Hannah Mansfields share thereof the same shall be
added to and put out at Interest with the said seven hundred pounds
before given her and all the Interest of the whole from time to time
paid to her own hands and as to my Daughter Margarets said
share if she shall be then alive I will that it shall be paid to her
own proper hands whose Receipt shall be a good discharge but if she
shall happen to be then dead leaving Issue by the said Mr Burslem
then my said Executors shall disspose of her said Share in providing
for such Child or Children in such manner as they in their discretion shall
think fit and if it shall so happen that the said Mr Burslem shall
dye within the said five years the said Margaret Burslem
being then living then it is my will that immediately
after his Death my Executors shall make an equal division between
my said Daughter and the said Hannah Mansfield of the produce
and Interest of the said seven hundred pounds and my whole
personal Estate as aforesaid during so long of the five
years as the said Mr Burslem shall happen to live in such manner
as is befor directed and it is my Will that after the Expiration of
the siad five years or in Case of Mr Burslems Death during that time
my Daughter Margaret being then living that then and in either of
these Cases the Interes of my whole personal Estate except what is
before given to he siad Hannah Mansfield shall be yearly paid to
my said Daughtr Margaret during her life whose Receipt shall be
a Sufficient Discharge and that from and after her decease leaving Issue
by the siad Mr Burslem I will that the fortune of the said Hannah
Mansfield before given her shall be increased to one Thousand
pounds and the Interest thereof yearly paid to her and that the
said one thousand pounds shall be paid as is herein after directed
and all the rest of my personal Estate shall be still place out at
Interest for the benefit Education and advancement of such Issue as
the said Margaret Burslem shall leave by the said Mr Burslem
page 3
and the board and Education of such Issue paid yearly out of such
Interest and that the said whole personal Estate except the said One
Thousand pounds before given to the Hannah Mansfield shall
be paid to and amongst such siad issue as they shall severally attain
the age of twenty one years or be marryed which shall first happen
share and share alike and in Case there shall be but one Child then to
be paid to such Child when it shall attain the siad age or be marryed
which shall first happen and in Caes the said Margaret Burslem
shall dye leaving no Issue by the said Mr Burslem then I will that the
Interest of my whole personal Estate shall be paid yearly to the said
Hannah Mansfield and in such Case I give the whole of my
personal Estate unto the said Hannah Mansfield but to be paid in
manner hereinafter directed and it is my earnest desire that the
said Hannah Mansfield shall take the advice and Consent of her
Mother Margaret Burslem in her marriage which if she shall
or in Case of the said Margaret Burslems Death [?] the said
Hannah Mansfield not being twenty five years old shall marry
with the Consent of my Executors or the Survivor of them then and
in either of these Cases I will that the said seven hundred pounds
and the interest thereof and the said Hannah Mansfield
said Share of the Interest of my whole personal Estate during the
said five years or such part thereof as it shall happen shall be paid
to the husband of the said Hannah Mansfield his Executors
Administrators and Assigned and that such other part of my personal
Estate as is by this my Will intended to go to the said Hannah
Mansfield after the death of the said Margaret Burslem either
with or without Issue by the siad Mr Burslem so it shall happen
shall be continued out at Interest and the yearly Interest paid to the
said Hannah Mansfield during her natural life whose Receipt
shall be a good discharge and if in either of these Cases the said
Hannah Mansfield shall dye leaving Issue of her body living
at the time of her decease that then the same shall be continued
at Interest and the Interest employed in the maintenance and
duration of such Issue till they shall attaine the age of twenty one
years or be marryed which shall first happen and then the whole
paid to them share and share alike or in Case ther shall be but
one Child then the same to be paid to such Child when it shall
attain the said age or be marryed which shall first happen
and in Case the said Hannah Mansfield shall dye leaving no
Issue living at her death then I do hereby give the same to such
person and persons as the said Margaret Burslem shall by any
Deed or writing under her hand and Seale executed in the
presence of two or more Credible witnesses nominate direct and
appoint to receive the same and if it shall happen that the said
Hannah Mansfield being sole and unmarryed shall attain to the
age of twenty five my said Daughter Burslem being dead and
my Executors or one of them living or if the said Hannah
Mansfield being sole and unmarryed shall attain th age of
twenty one years my said Daughter Burslem and both my Executx
being dead then in each of these Cases it is my Will that the said
seaven houndred pounds and the Interest there of and the said
Hannah Mansfield said share of the Interest of my personal Estate
page 4
during the said five years or part thereof as it shall happen and
such other part of my personal Estate as is by this my Will intended
to go to the said Hannah Mansfield after the death of the said
Margaret Burslem shall all be paid to the proper hands
of the said Hannah Mansfield to be disposed of by her as ahe pleaseth
and if it shall happen that the said Hannah Mansfield being sole
and unmarryed shall attain the age of twenty one years and dye before
she shall attain the age of twenty five my Daughter Burslem being
dead and my Executors one of them living then I will that the said
seven hundred pounds and the Interest thereof and the said Hannah
Mansfields said share of the Interest of my personal Estate during the
said five years or part thereof as if shall happen and such other
part of my personal Estate as is by this my Will intended to goe to
the said Hannah Mansfield after the death of the said Margaret
Burslem shall all be paid to such person or persons as the said Hannah
Mansfield shall by any Deed or Will in writing by her duely executed
directed and appointed to receive the same and in such Case for want
of such direction and appointment or in Case the said Hannah
Mansfield being sole and unmarryed shall not live to attaine the said
age of twenty one my said Daughter Burslem being dead then in either
of these Cases I give all such share of my personal Estate as is by this
my Will at any time intended to come to the said Hannah Mansfields
except two annuitys of thirty one pound six shillings per annum
payable out of his Majestys Excheqer and also except one hundred
pounds unto such Child or Children as the said Margaret
Burslem shall leave by her present husband and for want of Issue
by the said Mr Burslem then I give the same to such Child or Children
as my said daughter Margaret shall happen to leave by any after
taken husband to be paid unto them share and share alike when
they shall severally attain the said age of twenty one years or
be marryed which shall first happen and in Case there shall
be but one Child then to be paid to such Child when it shall attain
the said age of twenty one years or be marryed which shall first
happen and the Interest thereof in the mean time to be applyed
for the maintenance and Education of such Child or Children and
if in such Case the said Margaret Burslem shall leave no Issue
living by the said Mr Burslem or any other after taken husband
then I give the same share of my personal Estate which by this
my Will is intended at any time to come to the said Hannah
Mansfield except as aforesaid unto the said Mr Burslem John
Wyndebank son of Richard Wyndebank of the parish of St James
London and Paul Hood of London Lymn or whose Great Grand
father was Dr Hood formerly head of Lincoln Colledge in Oxford
equally to be divided between them and as to the said two yearly
annuitys of thirty one pounds six shillings and the said one hundred
pounds before excepted I give the said Annuitys and the yearly
produce and Interest of the said one hundred pounds unto my Sister
Mary Hollingshead for and during the term of her natural life
and from and after her decease I give the said yearly Interest
and produce of the said one hundred pounds and the said annuitys
if they shall so continue unto John Hollingshead her
husband during his natural life and from and after his decease I give
page 5
the said annuitys if they shall so long continue and also the said one
hundred pounds unto such Child or Children as my said Daughter
Margaret shall leave bt her present husband for want of Issue by
by him I give the same unto such Child or Children as my
said Daughter shall happen to leave by any other after taken husband
to be paid unto them share and share alike when hey shall severally
attain the age of twenty one years or be marryed which shall first
happen and in Case there shall be but one Child then to be paid to
such Child when it shall attain the siad age of twenty one years
or be marryed which shall first happen and in Case the said
Margaret Burslem shall leave no Issue living by the said Mr
Burslem or any other after taken husband then I give the said
Annuitys if they shall so long continue and also the said one
hundred pounds last mentioned unto the said Thomas Burslem
John Wyndebank and Paul Hood equally to be divided betwixt
them and if it shall happen that the said Hannah Mansfield
shall Survive the said Margaret Burslem and both my Executors
she the said Hannah Mansfield not having attained the said age
of twenty one and shall before such age marry then it is my will that
the said seven hundred pounds and the Interest thereof and such
other part of my said personal Estate as is at any time by this my will
intended to come to the said Hannah Mansfield shall all be paid to
the proper hands of the said Hannah Mansfield whose Recipt shall
be a good discharge and if it shall happen that the said Hannah
Mansfield shall in the life of the said Margaret Burslem
Marry without her Consent or shall after the death of the said Margaret
Burslem she the said Hannah Mansfield not being twenty five years old marry
without the Consent of my Executors or the survivor of them if then
alive then and in either of these Cases it is my Will that no part of
the said seven hundred pounds and the Interest thereof and such
other part of my personal Estate as is by this my Will at any time
to come to the said Hannah Mansfield shall ever come to or be paid
to the hands of her husband but the same continued out at Interest and
the yearly produce thereof paid to the proper hands of the said
Hannah Mansfield whose Recept shall be a good discharge and
that after her death the same yearly produce and Interest of her
whole fortune shall be imployed in the maintenance and Education
of each Issue as ahe shall leave til they shall attain the age of twenty
one years or be marryed wich shall first happen and then the whole
fortune paid to them share and share alike or in Case there shall be
but one Child then the same to be paid to each Child when it shall
attain the said age or be marryed which shall first happen and if in
either of these Cases last mentioned the said Hannah Mansfield
shall leave no Issue then I do hereby give all my personal Estate
unto the said Margaret Burslem if then alive and in Case of her
death to such person or persons as she shall by any Deed in
Writing sealed and executed in the prexence of two or more credible
witnesses nominate direct and appoint to receive the same and it is
my Will that during the life of the said Margaret Burslem the
said Hannah Mansfield being sole and unmarryed no part of her
fortune given by this my Will shall be paid to the hands of the
said Hannah Mansfield but only the Interest of it yearly and if
page 6
and if the said Hannah Mansfield shall dye unmarryed in the
life of the said Margaret Burslem then I do hereby give all my
personal Estate whatsoever unto the said Margaret Burslem
and it is my Will that myExecutors shall not be answerable for
any money that shall happen to be lost by any deficient Security or other
unavoidable accident but such Loss shall be equally born between
the said Margaret Burslem and Hannah Mansfield and their
respective Issue and that my Executors shall and may detain out
of any part of my personal Estate sufficient to indempnify them
from any action that shall be brought against them and to defray
their Expences and Charges in the Execution of this my Will or
bringing any actionnecessary for that prupose and I do hereby
nominate constitute and appoint the reverend Mr William Foden
vicar of Wolstanton and Thomas Hollingshead of Ashonhurst in
the County of Stafford Esquire Executors hereof hereby revoking
all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made
In witness whereof I have to this my Will contained in five sheets
of paper put my hand and seal the fifth day of September in the
seventh year of the Reign of King George of anno Domi 1724 E.
Windebank. Signed sealed and published by the said Testative to be
her last will and Testament in the presence of us who attested the
Same in her presence Sarah Cafton. Roger Carver Thomas Hatrell.
... LondonWill of Charles Windebank, Chief Mate of the Caesar. Proved 26 Jul 1732
- Transcription by TLM
BackIn the Name of God Amen
I Charles Windebank now Chief Mate of the Caesar now
lying in Cabarara Bay near Maccoa in China being very sick
and weak in body but in perfect mind and memory Do for [?]
Avoiding Controversies after my decease make and declare this to
be my last Will and Testament in manner and Form as follows
Vizt that is to say First I recommend my Soul to Almighty God
and my Body to be buryed at the discretion of my Executors In
trust desiring Captian Wm Mabbott and Mr Mads Hunt will
be so good as to accept of that trouble not doubting but they will
render a just Account to my Dear Sisters Charlott and Mary
Windebank who together I Invest with all my Worldly Goods
Chattells and Estates to be equally divided between them after my
just debts are paid And that the said Charlotta and Mary Windebank
and no other are my full and Sole Executrixes of this my last Will
and Testament As Witness my hand this 11th of July 1731 Charles
Windebank Signed and Sealed in the Presence of Us Phine
Frognall Thos Mylne Thos Horde
[Latin] London [Latin]….. 26 July 1732 …..
….. Charlotta Windebank and Maria Windebank …..
…… …… ……
[?] Not sure if this is a word or just a "filler”
Robert Wyndebanke - Bond 1500-1515
Robert Wyndebanke, psone of the church of Colne in the Marches of Calais
Chancery Court Records
Bond given in London for the debt of Alice, late the wife of Philip Williamson.
- Transcription (attempt) by TLM
To the most [?] Father in god William Archbishop of
Cannterbury and Chanceler of england
humbley [?] unto your good and [?] lordship your [?] [?] Thomas Burgon merchant of the staple of Calais son and heir & executor of Thomas Burgon late merchant
of the seid staple of Calais that [wher] one alice Williamson [?] of Phillip Williamson and [?] by Robert Wyndebanke psone of the church of colne in the marches of Calais
Byn the [Ate] of london in the parish of Saynt [faded] in the Waid of london bridge [We* quyntly] and deually [?] [?] in the hole sum of [amount] by [?][?] obligacons
to the seid Thomas Burgoyne the testator as by [faded and torn] oblygacons doth apper at [?] [?] to be payde [?] of [?] [?] of payments of [?] of the [amount] obligacons be
[passed] at the [?] of the [?] of [?]last past [faded and torn] to the sume of [amount] at the said by Robert beyng suite for the seid alice and the [?] by Robert hath
Receyvid [all] the seid [amount] of the said alice in the staple [at/of] Calais for his [?][?] the seid alice and yet he Wrongffully Wholdeth the said [amount] from your
said [?] though he hath bene [?] tymes [?] by your said [?] for payment of the same [?] all *ight and good conciens and for as muche as the [?]
obligacons Bey maid [?] the [?] of london and the said by Robert is dwelling in Calais or in the marches of Calais your [?] can have no remedy by the
course of the [?] laese [wherfor] the [?] [?] [?] may it please your [gracious] lordship to [grant] a [writ] of [?][?][?] to the seid by Robert
[?] [?] byn by the sayme to apper afore the kyng in [?] Chann[cer]y ther to annswer to the [?] accordyng to ryght and good consience
unable to make out
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