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Harriot Wilkinson

Harriot WILKINSON was born c1765, and buried, aged 54, 12 Dec 1819, City Road Chapel, London. Denomination: Wesleyan

She married Thomas UPHILL 29 Mar 1781, St James', Westminster, London.

Children of Thomas Uphill and Harriot:

  1. William UPHILL, born 28 Apr 1782 - St James', Westminster, London
  2. Harriot UPHILL, born 23 May 1788 - St James', Westminster, London

Historical Notes:

Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Group

16 May 1803
Insured: Harriott Uphill, 28 Monmouth Street

St Giles, London

History of St Giles-in-the-Fields

British History Online St Giles-in-the-Fields

Wesley's Chapel

wilkinson_harriot.1473201859.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/09/19 19:50 (external edit)