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Testimonial by B. J. Johnson

Back to Joseph Orchard | American Loyalist Claim

This is to Certify, that during the time Governor Tryon was obliged to take refuge on Board the Ship Dutchess of Gordon (together with several of the Kings Civil officers, to prevent being mad Prisoners by the direction of the Rebel Congress at Philadelphia) Mr. Joseph Orchard frequently came on Board said Ship with Provisions particularly Bread & Flour, as a great risque - that he also brought accounts & intelligence respecting the designs & operations of the Rebels, then in Possession of New York. - and I understood at the time, he was at last made Prisoner, when coming on board with his own boat as usual.

I can further Certify, that Govr Tryon entertain'd a high opinion of Mr. Orchard's Loyalty and Services and was anxious to render him some beneficial Service on that Account.

Mill Hill, Hendon
27th Nover 1788
B. J. Johnson
(Secretary to the late Genl Tryon, when Governor of New York)

Attestation of B. J. Johnson, page 1
2Attestation of B. J. Johnson, page 2

johnson_b_j_testimonial.1578948077.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/13 20:41 by