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orchard_joseph_1749 [2020/04/28 15:09] – [Pinpointing the Manhattan land and house] tielmessorchard_joseph_1749 [2022/07/05 17:51] (current) tielmess
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 ====== Joseph Orchard ====== ====== Joseph Orchard ======
 **1749-1805**\\  **1749-1805**\\ 
-//([[Orchard Jacob 1724|Jacob]] - [[Orchard Joseph 1678|Joseph]] - [[Orchard Tobyas 1644|Tobyas]] - [[Orchard Tobias 1607|Tobias]])// +//([[Orchard Jacob 1724|Jacob]] - [[Orchard Joseph 1678|Joseph]] - [[Orchard Tobyas 1644|Tobyas]] - [[Orchard Tobias 1607|Tobias]] - [[orchard_thomas_somerset|Thomas]])//\\  
 +[[|View abridged page, also noting American Loyalist Claim]], in downloadable PDF format.\\  
 Joseph ORCHARD was born 7 Jan 1749, Stokes Croft, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. Joseph ORCHARD was born 7 Jan 1749, Stokes Croft, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England.
 {{ wiki:josephorchardbirth1749c.jpg |Joseph Orchard birth }} {{ wiki:josephorchardbirth1749c.jpg |Joseph Orchard birth }}
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 He married [[Lancashire Ann 1750|Ann LANCASHIRE]] (Lankesheer), 25 Feb 1771, St James, Bath, Somerset, England. He married [[Lancashire Ann 1750|Ann LANCASHIRE]] (Lankesheer), 25 Feb 1771, St James, Bath, Somerset, England.
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-{{ wiki:josephorchardannlancashiremarr1771.jpg }}+{{ wiki:josephorchardannlancashiremarr1771.jpg |Marriage of Joseph Orchard and Ann Lancashire, 1771 }}
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 ==== Children of Joseph Orchard and Ann: ==== ==== Children of Joseph Orchard and Ann: ====
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 The lives, times and families of colonial Americans who remained loyal to the British Crown before, during and after the Revolutionary War, as related in their own words and through their correspondence. The lives, times and families of colonial Americans who remained loyal to the British Crown before, during and after the Revolutionary War, as related in their own words and through their correspondence.
-**Orchard, Joseph** of NYC, baker. **Memorial** undated [1790]. For several years he was Superintendent of Bakers in NYC responsible for supplying bread to the Army: he made bread from rye, Indian corn, pease, and oatmeal, but from April 1779 to November 1781 he used his own flour. In July 1779 he bought from Brigadier-General DeLancey his farm at Bloomingdale*, intending to cut and sell the wood growing there, but was prevented by the Army from doing so, except for that required for his own family‘s use: soldiers were sent in to cut the remainder. He frequently took intelligence on board the Duchess of Gordon at great risk to himself. His wife and six children have been separated from him for three years and without help he cannot send for them to come to England. **Claim** for flour wood. Evidence: Letter 11 May 1789 Ightham, Kent, from John Milner to the Commission that he well knew the claimant from the time of his first arrival in America to the disgraceful loss of it, and was a near neighbour. **Examination** 1 May 1789 of John Barrow, formerly baker of NYC, re prices of flour there. (12/73/319; 13/7/384-425. 88/184-185, 94/378-381).+**Orchard, Joseph** of NYC, baker. **Memorial** undated [1790]. For several years he was Superintendent of Bakers in NYC responsible for supplying bread to the Army: he made bread from rye, Indian corn, pease, and oatmeal, but from April 1779 to November 1781 he used his own flour. In July 1779 he bought from Brigadier-General DeLancey his farm at Bloomingdale*, intending to cut and sell the wood growing there, but was prevented by the Army from doing so, except for that required for his own family‘s use: soldiers were sent in to cut the remainder. He frequently took intelligence on board the Duchess of Gordon at great risk to himself. His wife and six children have been separated from him for three years and without help he cannot send for them to come to England. **Claim** for flour wood. **Evidence**: Letter 11 May 1789 Ightham, Kent, from John Milner to the Commission that he well knew the claimant from the time of his first arrival in America to the disgraceful loss of it, and was a near neighbour. **Examination** 1 May 1789 of John Barrow, formerly baker of NYC, re prices of flour there. (12/73/319; 13/7/384-425. 88/184-185, 94/378-381).
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 === American Loyalist Claim === === American Loyalist Claim ===
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 ==== Pinpointing the Manhattan land and house ==== ==== Pinpointing the Manhattan land and house ====
-=== The Oliver De Lancey Farm - Bloomindale / Striker's Bay ===+=== The Oliver De Lancey Farm - Bloomingdale* === 
 +*A reference noting the name "Little Bloomingdale" can be found in 2 **West Side Rag** online articles by Pam Tice of the [[|Bloomingdale Neighborhood History Group]], both of May 2021:  [[|Weekend History: 18th Century Bloomingdale Residents Before the American Revolution]] and [[|Weekend History: The Revolutionary War in Bloomingdale]] 
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 [[|{{ wiki:cutfromaplanofnewyorkislandin1776c.jpg|A plan of New York Island during August 1776 }}]]\\  [[|{{ wiki:cutfromaplanofnewyorkislandin1776c.jpg|A plan of New York Island during August 1776 }}]]\\ 
-[[|{{ wiki:1878bienandjohnsonmapofmanhattanislandduringtherevolutionarywarc.jpg }}]]\\ +[[|{{ wiki:1878bienandjohnsonmapofmanhattanislandduringtherevolutionarywarc.jpg | Bloomingdale }}]]\\ 
 {{ wiki:bloomindalefarmsnippet.png|The Oliver De Lancey Farm}} {{ wiki:bloomindalefarmsnippet.png|The Oliver De Lancey Farm}}
 The country seat of Stephen De Lancey the elder, called Bloomingdale, became the Oliver De Lancey farm. It comprised lots 8,9, and 10 of the "Thousand acre tract". No deeds to Stephen De Lancey have been found either recorded or unrecorded. The country seat of Stephen De Lancey the elder, called Bloomingdale, became the Oliver De Lancey farm. It comprised lots 8,9, and 10 of the "Thousand acre tract". No deeds to Stephen De Lancey have been found either recorded or unrecorded.
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 //The Metropolitan Cattle Market, Islington, popularly known as "the Cattle Market"... opened in 1855... has no striking history of its own, it is interesting as being built on the site of Copenhagen House, a famous tavern, with tea-gardens attached, and Copenhagen Fields...\\  //The Metropolitan Cattle Market, Islington, popularly known as "the Cattle Market"... opened in 1855... has no striking history of its own, it is interesting as being built on the site of Copenhagen House, a famous tavern, with tea-gardens attached, and Copenhagen Fields...\\ 
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-Both house and fields were frequently used for political meetings, and one of Gillray's best caricatures represents the great meeting at Copenhagen House, on November 13th, 1795, callled by the London Corresponding Society, to [[|petition Parliament]] against the "Bill for the Protection of the King's Person," introduced in consequence if the "Bread Riots."//\\ +Both house and fields were frequently used for political meetings, and one of Gillray's best caricatures represents the great meeting at Copenhagen House, on November 13th, 1795, called by the London Corresponding Society, to [[|petition Parliament]] against the "Bill for the Protection of the King's Person," introduced in consequence if the "Bread Riots."//\\ 
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 A meeting called by the [[wp>London_Corresponding_Society|London Corresponding Society]], 1795. A meeting called by the [[wp>London_Corresponding_Society|London Corresponding Society]], 1795.
orchard_joseph_1749.1588086596.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/28 15:09 by tielmess